New WRG NEWS? This will, in all probabilty become the format for our information stream, or in other words what will replace the 30 year old Newsletter format. Contributions can still be sent to my WRG email address as before. They will then appear on this stream.
There are several reasons I feel it is time to change. The change in postage stamp procurement and possible longevity there of being one. The other following from this is that if the Newsletter is no longer to be a paper, or page, based format, then it is better suited to a Blog/Web style. Most members read the Newsletter online, I hope that there will still be the facility to print out as required, or desired. In this new guise there may be more issues in a month or fewer, they will not have to be "n" number of pages ("n" equalling an even number). Although there will no longer be the need for a password to reach a Member's area, I hope you will still allow yourselves to be counted as members or "subscribers". The e mail list will then be used to produce a round robin as before, this to let you know when something of note has been placed on the site, or there is a "subscriber" oriented event (Kitland's Light Running Day or such). Modifications to the LIMA HO class 33 ![]() Andrew Knights Free? Well mostly. I was looking through the potential stock box for the British HO ready for the Longfield show in January 2023. I pulled out a new Athearn (well an unused Blue Box Athearn F7) loco and in the box a spare LIMA class33 body. In the store there were also two “working” LIMA 33’s, HO of course. Looking at the two 33’s I saw that they both were devoid of traction tyres, so it only needs the retaining rim on the outside of the driven wheels to be turned down and there should be no probable derailment opportunities. I cleaned the wheels and put them on the track. Both ran. Down to the kitchen and strip the two locomotive down. I cut one chassis just behind the motor bogie. The other just behind the idle truck. Adding some plastic strip to brace the rejoined cuts, I taped the two locomotives ballast weights together. These were placed back in the newly joined chassis, and the body clipped back atop the chassis. This to ensure that all set straight and true. The same was done with the now un-powered chassis. Both ends rejoined and braced as before. As I need a free rolling Class 27 for the Mk2a train set, this will be the ideal subject for chopping. The twin power bogied 33 will become a class 26. It will be interesting to see how this one compares to the rest of the fleet, they are all running on Atheran F7 chassis. The next step on the twin powered chassis is to add extra pick ups on what were the traction tyres wheelsets. LIMA with eight wheel drive and eight wheel pick ups, plus a free and free running class 27. The body work is needed on both of these. End cab doors, plated over and the body side holes for the single line token equipment need adding to both bodies. The Class 27 will need route indicator boxes adding to the cab tops. I think I used MilliPut for this last time around, when I did this a quite few years ago. |
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June 2024